10 Ways to a Happier Healthier Relationship
1. Always respect your partners goals and dreams...show your support for their dreams. Don't pretend to care if deep down you really don't that only creates negative energy. Remember if you have a dream or a goal that you are trying to reach you would not want your partner to make fun of or tell you it is impossible, you would want them to support you no matter what. If you Love them you support them in their hopes and dreams and goals in Life.

2. Touch can be a very Loving expression from you. Whenever you walk passed your partner, don't walk passed them without touching them. Touch their back, their shoulder, their arm..it doesn't matter where. When you touch them they are aware that you are at that very moment thinking of them, that you are aware of their presence...this will create a very real connection between the two of you. A loving touch can ignite an old fire.

3. Stop trying to change your partner...you are fighting a losing battle, you need to except them as they are. You fell in Love with them in spite of their faults. Stop focusing so much on trying to change them...maybe try focusing on changing yourself a bit and learning to be a little more accepting of the differences. People will only change 1. if "they" want to change and 2. if they feel a need, an ache or a hunger to become something better.
If you have a partner that has changed and you aren't happy about those changes, again try being more accepting...we need to learn to accept people for who they are and why we feel in Love with them in the first place. If you don't you will only create negative energy where you should only have positive energy in your relationship.

4. Learn to talk...to communicate with each other. Communication is and will always be a very critical part of any relationship. If you can't trust your partner enough to talk to them about anything you are setting yourself up for failure...trust that they will want to communicate back. You have to have that trust with each other, because of there is a problem and you can't talk about it that problem will continue to eat at you and that will create negative energy.

5. If you feel that your relationship is lacking Love..either on your part or your partners or both try thinking about the Love that you have shared. Focus on that Love...breathe it in and then send all that Love out into the Universe imagine that you are holding all that Love in your hands and then throw it out into the Universe. Focus on that Love, on feeling that Love with your partner.

The more Love you put out.. the more Love you will get in return.

6. Remember why you fell in Love with your partner. Concentrate on that feeling...let it linger in your mind.
Remember the butterflies you would get when they would call or when you would see them after not seeing them for a few days. That Love that you first shared...breathe it in...relive it. Those are good memories...those are real. Think about that everyday.

7. In relationships it is said that you don't know what you've got til it's gone, my theory is if we don't take the ones we Love for granted they usually won't go anywhere. Don't just automatically
assume they know how you feel...you have to show it..always! The longer you take them for granted the unhappier they become & you are setting up an opportunity for someone else to come in and give them or make them feel something that you didn't...someone out there is probably wishing they were you.
Then the real damage starts...so don't let it get to that point.

8. If you have an argument with your partner...(which by the way is healthy in moderation) whatever you are arguing about, when that argument is over & you have "made up" let it go...let the reason you argued go, it should not be brought up again...ever. If you dealt with it in the first place there shouldn't be a reason for it
to be brought up again. This is part of forgiveness you have to be forgiving of each other even for the little things. If you don't deal with it the first time it will continue to eat at you..which will make you angry & then everything seems actually bigger than it really is, those are negative emotions get rid of them when the argument is over.

9. Stop concentrating so much on the little things that your partner does that irritate you...those are negative emotions, those emotions will grow until everything they do becomes aggravating
to you. Instead try focusing on the good things that they do...for every negative thing they do that irritates you think of something positive that they do, remove the negative from your mind with the positive and soon those little things won't bother you so much you'll just look over them.

10. Laugh...Holy cow, Laugh. You have go to be able to laugh with your partner. If you can't laugh with or have fun with them, joke around with each other your relationship can become stagnant and dull. Be funny...crack jokes, let loose. This is your partner there is no need in being uptight. Sharing in something funny will lighten any mood. Stick your tongue out at them, if something embarrassing happens laugh it off "it ain't nothing but a thing"...you all know each other in and out, you've seen each other naked for petes sake...if you can't laugh with and at each other you are going to have a very dull and boring relationship.

Final thoughts...

There is one thing that I think that every couple should try if they are thinking of calling it quits. Stop for a moment a remember why you feel in Love in the first place...remove all of the arguments & the stress and just remember the Love. If you can get back to that Love, forgetting about everything else, there might be a chance of saving your relationship, but it will take two who are willing and wanting to make it work. This is only if it is a non-abusive relationship.

Making a relationship work will always take two people who honestly want to be together...you both have to dig deep down to see if it is what you want to make it work.
ok guess i tried so why dnt u give me a round of applause hehe *kidding* drop your comments

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