justin is reportedly being investigated for battery by his neighbour who accused him of being physical due to an heated argument on march26 at calabasass california Justin, 19, and his male neighbor allegedly got into a heated altercation shortly after 9 AM, according to TMZ. The report further notes that the argument was intense. L.A. County Sheriff’s spokesperson Steve Whitmore tells, “We got a call at 9:08 am. We don’t know where it came from, but we responded. Allegations have been made against Mr. Bieber, accusing him of battery. That’s all we know — we are investigating. We are not at the residence. We will make a report, and then we will take the appropriate action once the investigation is concluded.” However, Justin’s security tells TMZ, “The neighbor came on to Justin’s property and began screaming that while Justin was away, overseas, there were people at the house having loud parties.” Justin allegedly told the man to get off of his property, and a source familiar with Justin’s security’s account of the situation tells HollywoodLife exclusively that there’s no truth to claims that Justin assaulted his neighbor — he did not have any physical contact with the neighbor. The source adds, “Justin’s neighbor saw he was home briefly, so he approached him about the parties. They only spoke briefly and Justin told him to get off the property.” justin Bieber’s Neighbor Sets The Record Straight? One of Justin’s neighbors is telling TMZ that the alleged altercation was not over parties, but over a Ferrari. Justin allegedly had his car delivered to his home on a flatbed truck on March 25. On March 26, he reportedly raced his car up and down the streets. “The neighbor was furious about the deafening noise and felt Justin was endangering the community by tearing through the streets at breakneck speeds,” a source tells the website. The neighbor allegedly confronted Justin over the situation, and that’s when they reportedly got into a heated argument.

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